Father Terme’s Feast

Today we celebrate Etienne Terme, our co-founder, a man of prayer with an apostolic heart.
The EGC in progress

A few pictures of the Enlarged General Council (EGC) currently taking place in France. Your prayers for fruitful reflection are most welcome.
Magnificent Day at Lalouvesc

The participants in the international meetings in France went to Lalouvesc with the sisters of our Lyon community on 11 November for a day of renewal at the cradle of our Congregation.
Fall Gathering

Twenty-two of our U.S. sisters gathered in Chicago for their Fall Gathering, September 23-27, 2024.
A room dressed in dreamcatchers was the perfect setting as we reflected on being community now and into the future, including the issues of Governance, Leadership, and Structures.
First Vows

4 Sisters took their first vows in the Congregation.
New Fraternity

We are delighted to welcome members from a new country to the Cenacle Fraternity. Here is the story of this new group with two testimonies.
Spiritual Renewal

4 young Sisters from Madagascar had the opportunity to spend a period of spiritual renewal in Europe: first in Rome, then in France.