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Here in this house, the birthplace of the Congregation of the Cenacle in 1826,

the summer season was rich in spiritual events………..

This region, called the Ardèche, in central France, offers a wonderful, relaxing environment

for individual and for family retreats. 


Here is an echo of some of the beautiful gatherings that took place this summer: 


The American Cenacle Family Pilgrimage in May

"Walking in the Footsteps of Mother Thérèse"


On May 23, twenty-nine women and men from the USA, Philippines, Singapore, and Canada met in Lyon to begin a journey that would take them from the bustling city to obscure mountain villages in the Ardèche Region of southern France. 

For ten days the pilgrims, including Cenacle Sisters, Auxiliaries, Affiliates, Companions, and friends of the Cenacle, were immersed in the life and spirituality of St. Thérèse Couderc and the founding communities of the Cenacle Sisters.  During the final hour of the journey, all who participated in the pilgrimage shared that their experience of "Walking in the Footsteps of Mother Thérèse” was well beyond any expectation they might have had of the pilgrimage.  For everyone, it  was a sacred moment; a time of bonding with Mother Thérèse and with one another; an opportunity to live in and visit places that are special to our Cenacle Family


Cenacle Family


In July, members of the European Cenacle Family from France, Italy and England, met together in La Louvesc.

They were sixty people, representing the different branches of this spiritual family:

•       Lay men and women living the spirituality of the Cenacle, some sharing the mission of the Cenacle. The groups have different names, depending on their country of origin and how their organization has developed: Fraternity, Companions or Affiliates, CapNDC and ‘other forms of belonging’.

•       Consecrated women:

o   members of the Groupement Séculier (called Auxiliairies in English) who live their mission in the world as the ‘leaven’ of the Gospel message,

o  and the religious who live their mission in apostolic community

Gathered through their shared spirituality, around St. Thérèse Couderc, the foundress of the Congregation, each and every one, could deepen or rediscover that which unites them, and creates them into a 'family', the Cenacle Family.

These few days were a time of meetings, of discoveries, of deepening, of prayer, and also of play, of walking, even on a pilgrimage to Notre Dame d'Ay, the sanctuary where Thérèse Couderc dedicated the Congregation to Our Lady.


Festifamilles !


During the week-end of 15 August, 10 families went up to La Louvesc for a festive time...

"Festifamilles" ! / Familyfest!

These few days offered to everyone, a time to attend workshops on song,

dance, and artistic creations ...

Creative times of sharing...

Times of praise and laughter

Times for intergenerational meetings...

Quite simply

in the great freedom of the children of God...

Wonderful memories for all, big and small, young and old  ... 

To be repeated next year!  




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