Marikina City (Philippines)
Community: Sisters Reylie, Cecille
2024 was a challenging year for the little community of Barangka, as it faced major
health concerns. But the mission continues, as Reylie continued her work as Regional
Secretary and Retreat House Administrator, as well as Campus Minister in the Ateneo
de Manila University. Together, she and Cecille worked in the Cenacle Sabbatical
Program for Consecrated Women in September and October, as program facilitators
and spiritual directors.

Reylie (second from left) and Cecille (6 th from left) with the Cenacle Sabbatical Program participants. Also in photo is Perry (seated, 4 th from left).
Community: Sisters Josephine, Julia, Peggy & Helen
Cork has Cenacle Companions who meet regularly. One of them is Pastoral Director to the Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly. Peggy also hosts a Justice group.
This year the Annual Ecumenical Lenten Talks in Dalkey focused on Synodality. Helen is involved in this ministry and other ecumenical endeavours including initiating a Lectio Divina group.
Helen also gave a Celtic Spirituality Workshop to Loreto/C.J. Sisters on International Tertianship. One aspect of Celtic Spirituality is that it is creation- focussed so touches ecological issues of today.

Prayer for Universal Harmony
Creation Sings of the Glory of God
Oh Holy Spirit of God
We Stand United with
All of Humanity
Open Our Hearts to the Melody of
Your Divine Love
We ask for Healing of All that
We have Damaged on this Earth
Bring us to a New Place
That We May Learn to Sing in
Perfect Harmony with
All of Creation
Aotearoa New Zealand
Community: Sisters Mary, Anne, Clare, Kathleen & Ngaire (in Australia)

From left to right, back to front, Sisters Anne, Mary, Ngaire, Clare & Kathleen
We give thanks for stories of ENCOUNTER on the road and during retreats.
Response: With hope we embrace the new year

We give thanks for stories of HOSPITALITY around our table.
Response: With hope we embrace the new year

We give thanks for stories of SOLIDARITY with people who are oppressed seeking justice.
Response: With hope we embrace the new year
November 2024 Hīkoi: Clare, Anne and Mary participated to the protest march opposing a law redefining the Māori rights in the society.
Tolagnaro Fort-Dauphin (Madagascar)
Community: Sisters Marie Georgette, Lucie, Laurette, Iharisoa, Hasina
The community has a beautiful mission in the Eucharistic Youth Movement (MEJ) of the Diocese of Tolagnaro. Sister Lucie is part of the spiritual team.
This Ignatian-inspired movement aims to help young people grow in their faith and their relationship with Christ and to take their place in the world and the Catholic Church. A vocation very much in line with our charism.