Toulouse (France)
Community: Sisters Françoise, Odile, Chantal, Bernadette & Victorine

At the initiative of two young people connected with the community, we have been welcoming a group of young professionals once a month for over a year in a room that they have converted into a “friendly bar.” The evening begins in our oratory with a time of prayer and continues in the “bar” for a time of sharing news, welcoming newcomers over a beer or fruit juice and small sandwiches brought by everyone. Then, we create together what one of us proposes according to his or her talents: origami, greeting cards, Advent calendar, photo workshop… This time of free, conviviality and collective creativity is very much appreciated by the young people who take it upon themselves to invite others!

Antsirabe (Madagascar)
Community: Sisters Isabelle R., Colette, Marie Agathe, Marie Claudine, Julia, Madeleine R., Marie Georgette, Isabelle B., Heritina Julie, Mathilde Eugénie
We sum up our year 2024 in two words:
People (of all categories) need our mission. They are delighted with the quality of the activities we offer.
Lack of resource people and a large hall. The community thinks it would be great to have this kind of large room at the Cenacle in Antsirabe.
Here are some of our latest spiritual proposals:
15 December 2024
1st group: Recollection of the VKM (Women’s Movement of our Parish), accompanied by Sister Isabelle. They had a conference in a room in our house and Mass with Father Jean Paul, Missionary Father of La Salette.

Afterward, we had a picnic and a chat in our garden.

2nd group: Recollection of local people. Preacher: Sister Isabelle. Mass in our chapel with Father Angello, Missionary Father of La Salette.

14 December 2024
Recollection for the catechism children of our Parish. With Sister Claudine, Sister Julie and Sister Bakoly in collaboration with other congregations, major seminarians in philosophy and lay people.
In our parish church:

12 December 2024
Religious education with children from a state secondary school. The sisters of the Cenacle collaborate with the major seminarians in philosophy.

Fortaleza (Brazil)
Community: Sisters Maria, Eliane, Selcineide

You can see in the photos how our community in Fortaleza has lived out our mission this year, which consists of offering people a space to feel God’s presence in nature, in prayer, silence and welcome. The peace of God. To be a Cenacle within ourselves, where God becomes LIFE for everyone.