Toamasina – Tamatave (Madagascar)
Community: Sisters Arline, Bernadette, Iarilalaina, Jeanne Françoise & Evlyne
The community after the summer, ready to begin again
Testimony of Sr Bernadette
What impressed me this year was, first of all, the quality of our lives. I am happy and moved by the joy of community. It’s a very simple life shared in community and the presence of each one is a gift to me. In community, each one gives of herself to look after others, especially regarding health.
I also marvel at the deepening of the faith of the soldiers for whom I provide spiritual guidance. Every Sunday, I give a talk before Mass and have time to explain our part in the liturgy to them. They really understand, and after that, everyone takes an active part and is no longer just simply present.
Quezon City (Philippines)
Community: Sisters Meny, Perry, Mel, Judette, Fran, Lily & Ria
The Holy Week Retreat and Camping Retreat were profound experiences of God’s unconditional love through God’s total self-giving and God’s presence in/through nature. The Cenacle scholars and their mothers were given monthly catechism and formation programs led by Sr Angie and the Auxiliaries of the Cenacle. We also facilitated formation sessions for our home parish’s young people and assisted Fr Greg Boyle, SJ’s Boundless Compassion Retreat.
Maryam community and the Retreat House in Quezon City, 2024 provided experiences of interculturality in varied ways—through the 10-month Residency Program (composed of women religious from Madagascar, Myanmar and Vietnam) and the 2-month Sabbatical program for women religious. Our sisters also crossed borders by giving retreats and programs to Singaporeans, young professionals in mainland China and ICM Sisters in Taiwan.
Amparibe, Antananarivo (Madagascar)
Community: Sisters Mamy Marie Aimée, Jeanne Aimée, Marie Julie, Yollande Marie, Marie Joséphine, Fleur Béatrice & Jeanne

French-language catechism is one of our apostolates in Madagascar.
People come to the Cenacle in Amparibe for catechism every Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning. We welcome the youngest from the age of 7 for “awakening to the faith.” We also prepare them for all the sacraments.
We have a family mass once a month and a recollection for special occasions.