Versailles (France)
Community: Sisters Marie L., Marie-Lise, Agnès, Marie J., Michèle, Claire, Erica & Nirina

Widow’s Mite by Bernadette Lopez Heredia.
This takes place at the Cenacle Spiritual Centre in Versailles on a Tuesday morning once a month. The psalm and gospel from the day’s liturgy are commented on, and suggestions are given on how to meditate on them for an hour. It ends with a time of sharing. The group is led by a lay woman and a sister from the community. This duet is significant for what we live in the spiritual centre of Versailles: a life of the Church where the baptised, sisters and lay people exercise a ministry of the Word together. Those who participate in these “Spiritual Mornings“ experience that the Bible can speak to the heart and enlighten their lives and that a true encounter with God is possible.
Novitiate (Madagascar)
Community: Sisters Véronique Lala, Francine, Brigitte et les novices Claudia Nicole, Saveria, Francine, Marillac Yollande, Monique Pâquerette, Angéline, Rochelle, Zacharie Elisabeth, Marie Henriette & Eddy Clara Bodo Liliane
At the start of our new community year, we had planned to work with the residents of our neighbourhood. On Saturday 26 October, we put this plan into action. We cleaned up the street in front of our house and drained the nearby canal. We were very pleased with the work we did and had the impression that the residents were also encouraged by our witness. We hope to continue to develop this collaboration or perhaps explore other forms of commitment.